Want to get your skin summer-ready? Aloe Vera could be the answer! Here at Hemsley Organics, we love natural ingredients and are always excited to rave about their properties. Aloe Vera is often overlooked, but we are here to tell you ten surprising ways that these all-natural ingredients can be extremely beneficial for your skin. Read on to find out more about one of our favourite, go-to skincare essentials.

1. Hydrates and Moisturises

Did you know that Aloe Vera has an extremely high water content? Not only does this refresh the skin and feel amazing, but it also acts as a natural moisturiser. Many people opt for aloe vera in a gel form because it can be applied directly to the skin and improve hydration almost instantly. Aloe Vera gel is also great when it comes to not leaving a greasy residue. 

2. Aloe Vera & Soothing Sunburn

Aloe Vera is a must have summer essential because of how well it can treat sunburn. Aloe Vera naturally has anti-inflammatory properties which can take the ouch right out of your sunburn. Whilst you should always be wearing your SPF in the summer heat, we understand that accidents may happen. Aloe Vera has a cooling effect for the skin that can help its healing process and prevent extra sun-damage. 

3. Aloe Vera And The Magic Of Reducing Acne

Aloe Vera is soothing in many ways, including for acne. If you are a spot sufferer, then you should definitely make room in your skincare routine for Aloe Vera. With its natural antibacterial properties, Aloe Vera can help combat those nasty germs which keep causing breakouts. The soothing nature of Aloe Vera reduces the redness and inflammation that is often associated with spots and recurring acne. 

4. Anit-Ageing With Aloe Vera

On top of all the other benefits, Aloe Vera has antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E. These magic antioxidants help improve the skin’s natural firmness as well as keeping it hydrated. This can, in turn, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

5. The Healing Properties of Aloe Vera

On top of all these amazing benefits, Aloe Vera can also help heal wounds. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, Aloe Vera can actually help speed up the healing process massively. If you have any minor cuts, burns or abrasions, get your hands on some Aloe Vera. 

6. How Aloe Vera Lightens Blemishes

Regular use of Aloe Vera can also lighten your blemishes. Aloe Vera is great for promoting cell regeneration and skin repair. Meaning, it can take your dark spots or blemishes and result in even skin tone - perfect for summer!

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7. The Effects of Aloe Vera on Psoriasis and Eczema

As mentioned above, Aloe Vera can be used to alleviate symptoms of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Great for soothing itching and general irritation, psoriasis and eczema can be soothed by regular use of Aloe Vera. If you are looking for something that will keep your skin moisturised throughout the day and prevent flaky skin - Aloe Vera is the one for you.

8. Aloe Vera Can Reduce Puffiness and Dark Circles

Did you know that the cooling effect of Aloe Vera can reduce puffiness and dark circles around the eyes? As well as being cooling for the rest of your face, Aloe Vera also works well on sensitive parts of your skin, such as underneath your eyes. Also, top tip - we would suggest using Aloe Vera gel that has been chilled for even more benefits. 

9. Enhance Your Skin Elasticity With Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can improve skin elasticity by stimulating fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are what are responsible for producing collagen and elastin fibres. This helps your skin retain its firmness and elasticity.

10. Cleanses and Detoxify Your Skin With Aloe Vera

Do you struggle with breakouts and acne? Aloe Vera has a world of natural cleaning properties which can aid in detoxifying the skin. Our skin really goes through it all and that’s why it’s vital to cleanse - particularly if you are a makeup wearer. Aloe Vera removes impurities and unclogging pores, leading to a clearer complexion.