As human beings we love the feeling of accomplishment”
Why productivity is good for our mental health
You may be on an organised high, but if not, don't worry! It can only take a few simple things to help you to feel more productive. Feeling 'on top of things' with productivity does wonders for our mental health. Why? As human beings we love the feeling of accomplishment, it make's us feel good and the idea of ticking of a list really is music to your brains ears.
Here's a few things you can do to help boost your productivity.
Short bursts of exercise help your brain to work better. Getting just 10-15 minutes of exercise into your daily routine can really boost your mental well-being. Something as simple as a brisk walk or yoga practice is all that is needed. Daily exercise keeps momentum and improves mental capacity, increasing your energy and oxygen levels to the brain. Helping to increase productivity levels in all areas of your life.

Creating a to do list the night before is a great way to stay on top of productivity. Start writing out a list of what you need to complete the next day, there is nothing more satisfying that ticking off a list of tasks that you have accomplished. No matter how big or small they may seem, writing them down will help you to stay on track and make the most of your time. Don't overwhelm yourself with a long list either, as this can cause you to do nothing. Start by writing 3 things down, then slowly increase it to 6 things for the day. If you don't complete them all don't be hard on yourself either, just simply move them across to the next list for the next day.
We all know that sleep deprivation has negative effects on our performance and well-being. An adult aged 18-64 is recommended 7-9 hours sleep per night by the national sleep foundation. So if your lacking in the sleep department, this may be effecting your productivity. Start by going to bed 15 minutes early every night until you are getting the sleep that you need.


If you know you're someone who easily get's distracted, remove the temptation. We can all be guilty of picking up our phones to have a quick scroll through social media and before we know it half an hours gone by! As we are so technology lead now, distractions such as social media are so easy to consume our time. Limit these to just whilst having your lunch or when you have completed 3 productive tasks. You could even have so many social media & tv detox days throughout the week.

Sometimes we have them days where we feel like we could take the world on and that's great! But if you're having a day where your feeling burnt out or overwhelmed that's ok. Listen to how you're feeling and take a break. Whether that be a quiet moment with a cup of tea, a walk in nature or a coffee in your favourite bistro - do it. Taking a bit of time out of your day may be all that you need to recharge and refocus for the rest of the day, or if not, you can always start a fresh tomorrow. As long as you're not using a break as an excuse to be unproductive, taking time out for you is healthy and sometimes very much needed.
Sometimes we have them days where we feel like we could take the world on and that's great! But if you're having a day where your feeling burnt out or overwhelmed that's ok. Listen to how you're feeling and take a break. Whether that be a quiet moment with a cup of tea, a walk in nature or a coffee in your favourite bistro - do it. Taking a bit of time out of your day may be all that you need to recharge and refocus for the rest of the day, or if not, you can always start a

fresh tomorrow. As long as you're not using a break as an excuse to be unproductive, taking time out for you is healthy and sometimes very much needed.
Personal productivity gives us a sense of focus and purpose. When we do things with meaning we feel good and the clarity that it brings will allow your mind to fully focus on the path ahead of you.
Productivity is often the achievement and fulfilment that comes from goal setting. When you are being productive you are setting goals, this can be personal or business, or simply daily goals that we want to achieve every day. So you may be thinking why is this good for my mental health? Because achieving your goals will fulfill you and make you happy, and being happy is what most of us aspire to be. Happiness is the ultimate benefit of being productive. And when we feel in a state of happiness, more often than not our mental state is happy too.

Let us know if we've inspired you to improve your feel good. We'd love to see what your doing to increase your productivity! Tag us @hemsleyorganics with the hashtag #itsgoodtofeelgood