Christmas is upon us, and with that comes many festivities. In this article, we will be breaking down what our favourite festive skincare routine tips are, and how you can get your mind and body ready for the few months ahead. Let’s get started, shall we?

1. Cleanse, Tone & Moisturise 

In the festive season, we need to be sure to still be sticking to our typical skincare routine. Just because Christmas is around the corner, and most of us are waiting for that festive break from work, it doesn’t mean our skincare is taking a break. 

We always recommend starting with a gentle cleanser (we have a great one, hint, hint!), to remove any dirt, makeup or impurities you may have picked up throughout the day. Then tone your skin. Our Hydrating Skin Mist uses rose water as one of its main ingredients. Rose water has natural toning properties, which can be beneficial for any skin type. After toner, always remember to follow up with moisturiser which will nourish your skin. 

2. Step Up Your Mask Game

As well as sticking to your regular skincare routine, we would also suggest stepping up your face mask game during the festive season. As the weather gets colder, our skin can really start to dry out. This can mean that fine lines, wrinkles and general dry patches can start to become more apparent. Also, not to mention all the Christmas parties you are going to start going to too - you are going to want to revive your skin after wearing party make-up. 

By incorporating a hydrating and brightening face mask one a week, you can have your skin glowing all through the festive period. Opting for a sheet mask with ingredients like aloe vera, honey or green tea will surely bring dry skin back to life. 

3. Sunscreen is Still a Must

Even without the sun in the sky, sunscreen is still a must. Protecting your skin from potential UV damage with a broad-spectrum sunscreen should be top priority. If you are spending a lot of time outdoors during the holiday season - think about cute Christmas markets, Christmas tree shopping and festive parties, then you may want to invest in a good-quality sunscreen which is light, that won’t clog your pores and will go underneath your festive make-up. 

SPF in winter

Speaking of SPF, don’t forget your lips. Your lip skin can be extremely sensitive and can also burn. Whilst shopping around for a new sunscreen, we would recommend grabbing a new hydrating lip balm which also has SPF protection. Unlike your face and body skin, your lips only need a little SPF loving, but it’s still important as we head into Christmas.

4. Healthy Diet, Happy Life

In the festive season, it can be super easy to fall into bad diet habits - with so much yummy stuff to eat, who can blame us? Whilst it’s still important to eat as much holiday food as possible (that’s an order!), remember to also try and eat some fruits and veggies with antioxidants present. You can also throw in some berries, nuts and green tea, all of which will contribute to your having radiant skin. 

5. Festive Skincare Treatments

Finally, don’t be afraid to get festive with your skincare treatments - it is the season to relax after all. Treat yourself to a facial, a spa day or just pamper yourself. The holiday season is about connecting back with yourself and preparing your mind and body for another amazing year. During this season, remember to take care of yourself, as well as your skin. Get a goodnight’s sleep, eat good food and give amazing gifts. 

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