Reiki can be extremely beneficial, for many reasons. If you are looking to heal your inner and outer harmony, particularly with your skin, then Reiki could be the answer. In this article, we will be looking at the connection between Reiki and skincare and why you should consider incorporating this ancient practice into your daily skincare routine. 

The Connection Between Reiki & Skincare

At first glance, the connection between Reiki and skincare may not be obvious - however Reiki is paramount to inner beauty. The deeper principles of Reiki truly complement your regular skincare routine - it can help you enhance your skin’s health and overall wellbeing. 

1.Stress Reduction

Reiki is known for its stress-reducing capabilities and how it can promote relaxation. Like many things, stress can be a major contributor to skin issues, such as acnes and premature ageing. By incorporating Reiki into your skincare routine it can help your body relax both your mind and body. This can lead you to feel healthier, and in turn, have a much more radiant complexion.  

Now, imagine, as well as regularly attending Reiki sessions, remote or not, you also use Reiki-infused skincare products? Skincare products that have been blessed by Reiki can help create a soothing and calming experience during your beauty routine, which can reduce the impact of daily stressors on your skin.

2. The Mind-Body Connection

The connection between your mind and body is of the utmost importance for your wellbeing. By adding Reiki to your daily routine, you are not only taking care of your skin directly, but also indirectly. Reiki allows you to nurture your inner self, and promote self-love and self-acceptance. With a more positive self-image, you will be feeling more confident. 

3.Enhanced Energy Flow

The ancient practices of Reiki aim to unblock the energy pathways in your body. This can create a free flow of positive energy to enter your being. When applied to your skincare routine, this can enhance the circulation of blood and nutrients in your skin, which can promote your skin’s general health. To truly shine from the inside out, we would recommend adding Reiki to your beauty regimen. 

How To Add Reiki Into Your Skincare Routine

As explained above, Reiki can be ideal for both your mental and physical wellbeing - including the complexion of your skin. To start benefiting from the fusion of Reiki and skincare, we would recommend following these steps.

1. Find a Reiki Practitioner You Love

Much like yoga, and any other mindful practices, finding a method that works for you is a must. Here at Hemsley Organics, our co-founder, Georgina Hemsley, not only charges our skincare range is Reiki energy, but also offers 30-60 minute remote Reiki sessions. During these sessions, Georgina will work with you to focus on your unique needs and intentions. Whether you are looking for emotional healing or spiritual clarity, you will be given a customised healing experience. 

2.Regular Reiki Sessions

Consistency is key - with regular Reiki sessions combined with a skincare routine that suits your needs, you can experience long term, lasting results. We would recommend trying a shorter Reiki session first, and then once you are comfortable, moving onto a 60 minute session. 

3. Mindful Skincare

Finally, we would suggest opting for mindful skincare. Mindful skincare can mean different things for different people. For example, mindful skincare can refer to opting for vegan and cruelty-free skincare. By choosing a small number of products, which are fully natural and give back to the planet, you can stay away from the nasty chemicals which are present in other skincare. 

But mindful skincare can also mean what intentions you focus on during the routine. If you focus on mindfulness and positive intentions during your skincare routine, this can enhance your mind-body connection. If you are looking to further promote your inner and outer harmony, then this is another great way to do it. 

Why Incorporate Reiki Into Your Skincare Routine?

Adjusting your skincare routine to include Reiki may require a shift in perspective but the benefits of achieving both inner and outer harmony are well worth the ongoing effort. By looking to a more holistic approach with your skincare routine, you will not only see improvements in your complexion but also your mood and self-image. Reiki is an investment into yourself, and through discovering the power of Reiki, you can feel more confident from the inside out.

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