We are proudly supporting Gynaecological cancer charity The Eve Appeal this May. 10% of proceeds from our Age Defying Intensive Eye Serum, Hydration Mist & Night Cream will be donated.
We are getting lippy & getting loud this month with The Eve Appeal to raise awareness.
Did you know?
• 1 in 3 (34%) can’t name asingle type of gynaecologicalcancer.
• Only 2% of people canname all five gynaecologicalcancers.
• Only a third (32%) recogniseabnormal vaginal bleedingas a potential wombcancer symptom.
What are the key symptoms?
• Abnormal vaginal bleeding (between periods, after sex, after the menopause or much heavier than is normal for you)
• Persistent bloating (for 3 weeks or more that doesn’t come and go)
• Changes to bowel habits (feeling full quickly or nauseous)
• Changes to discharge (if it has a foul smell, or is ‘bloody’, that is pink, red or brown)
• A persistent vulval or vaginal itch and any changes to the look or feel of the vulva and vagina (a lump, an open sore, or thickened and raised, lighter or darker patches of skin).
It could be, and probably is nothing, but always get these symptoms checked to be sure.

The Eve Appeal want to smash down taboos and provide education on women's health.
They are getting lippy and loud about gynae cancers by raising awareness of the key symptoms, by breaking down the taboos that put a barrier between people and accessing medical help, and by raising money to fund research into the prevention and earlier diagnosis of all five gynae cancers.
If you want to access more information or talk to someone you can access Ask Eve.
Ask Eve if a free, expert, gynae cancer information service.
Call 0808 802 0019 or Email: nurse@eveappeal.org.uk