We are proudly supporting The Eve Appeal charity this May.
Join us and #GETLIPPY to help raise funds for life-saving research into the prevention and earlier diagnosis of all five gynaecological cancers.
For too long gynaecological health has been shrouded with shame, for too long it has been seen as just ‘women’s issues’ and been dismissed and hushed through the generations. We want everyone to join us this May to Get Lippy to break down the taboos around gynaecological health.
Who are the Eve appeal?
The Eve Appeal is the leading UK national charity funding research and raising awareness into the five gynaecological cancers – womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal.
Set up to prevent gynaecological cancers and save lives by funding ground-breaking research focused on developing effective methods of risk prediction, earlier detection and developing screening for all of the five gynae cancers.

What we are doing Too support?

Throughout May, we are donating 10% of every purchase from our Age Defying Intensive Eye Serum, Age Defying Hydration Mist and Age Defying Night Cream. Our donations will help fund research on earlier detection and prevention.
We will also be getting loud and lippy and spreading awareness along with vital information about the five gynaecological cancers. Sharing the signs and symptoms, how important early detection is and what we can all do to share our knowledge with loved ones and the world.
Why is awareness so important?
A new survey by The Eve Appeal (YouGov) found that 1 in 3 people can’t name a single gynaecological cancer and only 2% can name all five of them - diseases which affect over 21,000 people a year in the UK.
The more we educate ourselves on the five gynaecological cancers and there symptoms the better. Early diagnosis is critical in giving patients the best possible chance.

It could be, and probably is nothing, but always get these symptoms checked to be sure.
For more information and support please visit: https://eveappeal.org.uk