Reiki and remote healing practices have been around for centuries with many people utilising them to improve on their own, personal well being. During these modern times, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, all the while forgetting about self-care. In this article, we will be unpacking the most common questions about Reiki and how many of us can incorporate remote energy healing into our daily routines.

 distance reiki


Why Reiki?

Reiki, an ancient healing practice, dating back as far as the 1920s. Originating in Japan, the concept of Reiki is based on the understanding of universal life force energy, which can be accessed and channelled by us all. Channelled to others as a healing treatment by Reiki Masters and practitioners. Reiki can support you on your self-healing journey, as well as alleviate physical and emotional imbalances to improve on your overall well being. 

The word ‘Reiki’ stands for Universal Life Force Energy, something that we cannot see, but connects us all together as humans. By providing healing to our own energy and environment, we can begin healing emotionally, spiritually and physically. Annocdotately, there are stories of individuals with both emotional needs, such as anxiety and depression, as well as more physical needs, such as pain management or lifelong illness, that have all benefited from Reiki. 


What Is Remote Or Long Distance Reiki?

As energy is not bound by a physical space, Reiki healing sessions can also take place online. For many of us, finding time to leave the house and take part in a healing exercise can be difficult. Receiving healing distantly does not reduce its effectiveness and allows us to experience reiki anywhere, anytime and any place.

There is not only finding the time, but also, many people turn to Reiki to help with feelings of anxiety. Online, or distance Reiki healing sessions can take place from the comfort of your own home, and allow you to feel at peace with your surroundings. For many, being in your own space will truly allow you to open up and become fully relaxed during your Reiki session. 


How Does a Long Distance Reiki Session Work? 

Our remote healing session will take place online in either a 30 minute or 60 minute session. As a treatment, Reiki works by your chosen Reiki master or practitioner, becoming an extension of your energy and bringing your body back into balance. 

As your session begins, your Reiki Master, which is our very own amazing Georgina Hemsley, will start by stating a direct intention to facilitate your healing. Working with your energy field to encourage energy to flow freely. If any of your energy is ‘blocking up’ your pathways, Georgina will work with you to clear it from your body. Your Reiki Master will work with your Ki - which is the life force energy that flows through you. 

When we are focusing on our wellbeing, our energy will naturally flow easily throughout our bodies. We have a much higher, and healthier vibration when we feel balanced. This will shine through in many aspects of our lives - we feel great, and therefore, you can do great things! But in those times when life presents struggles or hurdles, we can become stressed and no longer be as ‘present’ as we once were. Regular Reiki sessions can heal us from the inside out, and clear these blockages. Our body’s natural energy flow can be restored, naturally raising our vibrational state and makes us feel more at one with ourselves again. 


What Should I Wear To My Reiki Session? 

Here at Hemsley Organics, we love bringing Reiki to you, no matter where you are - whether that be in the workplace, or online. Regardless of whether your session is distant, or in-person, the rules for clothing are the same. During your Reiki session, you will be asked to lie down, fully clothed. You may be asked to remove jewellery or shoes, but apart from that, ensure you wear something comfortable, that you are going to be able to relax in.

distance reiki healing


How Does Reiki Promote Healing?

Reiki is about treating the whole person, from the inside out. It focuses its intention on the mind, body and spirit. Reiki can have a multitude of benefits, which can improve your wellbeing on a daily basis. 

Many people have reported that they have seen a reduction in stress, feelings of anxiety and depression. Others use Reiki as a way to manage pain, and shorten healing times when it comes to recovery. Generally, Reiki can enhance your quality of life, and allow you to fully reset into a place of relaxation when you need to.


Taylor Abrams said:

I see that we may start healing emotionally, spiritually, and physically by mending our own energy and environment. It’s also interesting to know that anecdotally, there are accounts of people who have benefitted from Reiki who have both emotional requirements, such as anxiety and depression, as well as more physical needs, like pain management or chronic sickness. This is a really good read, especially since I’ve been looking into energy healing as part of my counseling after experiencing severe trauma last year. Thanks for the info.

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